Jelly Belly to Introduce Draft Beer Flavored Beans



Yes, the Draft Beer beans do actually taste like beer, but we’re a bit befuddled about our excitement level. To the chemical flavor guy at JB, congratulations you deserve a promotion, or at least a bonus.

If I can talk to you man to (wo)man for a second — this bean probably doesn’t land in your top 10 favorite flavors, hell it may not even crack the top 100. How can it when they have Coldstone flavors? And unfortunately for our alcoholic readers of the site, the beans do not contain a smidgen of alcohol. But if you’re an addict of multiple vices and your vapor cig isn’t cutting it – the flavor of these beans might help you get through the trenches:


We’re probably most excited for the new chocolate covered addition of last year’s Tabasco jelly bean. But for some apparent reason, JB decided to feature the new packaging around the entire booth and NOT HAVE SAMPLES AVAILABLE.

This is a complete travesty since we’re at show that parallels a Saturday morning at Costco, if that Costco took Alex Rodriguez levels of HGH and found a way to rain down samples from the heavens. Shame on you JB. You temptress. So we ate some the Tabasco flavored beans with some Mexican chocolate from another booth because that’s our version of R&D. This bean really has some potential.



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