Playing Pint Craft
We all love games based on drinking, and it looks like Nick Helmholdt of Ann Arbor, MI is trying to make a craft beer game. The game is card based (check the the official rules in this PDF file) with pints (points) being awarded for various brewing tasks. The first person to a set amount of points wins the game. Essentially, you will brew craft beer and expand your brewery to earn victory pints!

Brewery Cards
The description from the website for the game is as follows:
Picture yourself as beer brewer challenged to create distinct and appealing recipes. Pint Craft incorporates elements of resource management and seasonality to generate variety. Creativity on the player’s part ensures that no two games are the same. No knowledge of brewing is needed to play Pint Craft.
Your friends loved your latest original home brew recipe and encouraged you to quit your job to brew beer full time. At first you hesitated – how can anyone make a living brewing small batches? Then the right combination of frustration and fortune made this craft beer idea seem like the perfect way to escape your dead end job and ferment some passion into your work! But you’re not alone. Other aspiring brewers want to make their mark, too. In this fast-moving industry you’ll need to expand your operations, brew unique styles, and attract thirsty beer enthusiasts to stay ahead of your competition.

Beer Style Cards
The game looks like a lot of fun, and I’m considering donating to get myself a copy. You can pre-order Pint Craft starting at the $25 level. The game will be made in the good ole USA, no need to involve China. If you pledge, you get a copy you can download and start playing right away (printing at Kinkos is suggested).

The Pint Craft Box
Check out this video demonstration of how the game works:
Source: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nickhelmholdt/pint-craft?ref=live
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