I found this fun video showing lots of creative ways to open a beer. I definitely don’t recommend trying some of these at home.
Giving you the knowledge to buy better beer.
I found this fun video showing lots of creative ways to open a beer. I definitely don’t recommend trying some of these at home.
Ever had a hangover from drinking beer? Well that may be a problem of the past.
Good news, beer lovers. You may soon be able to drink a cold one without getting too dehydrated.
Australian researchers say they’ve created a hydrating beer by adding electrolytes — a common ingredient in sports drinks. That way drinkers can enjoy their alcoholic beverage, which is known to dehydrate, while still staying refreshed.
However, don’t expect the hydrating beer to contain the same amount of alcohol as your average brew. In order to achieve the feat, researchers also had to reduce the alcohol content.
The team from Griffith University’s Health Institute recently tested the idea by modifying the ingredients in four different varieties of beer: two commercial, one of average strength and one light brew. Researchers noted that the alterations did not affect the taste of any of the beers.
“Of the four different beers the subjects consumed, our augmented light beer was by far the most well retained by the body, meaning it was the most effective at rehydrating the subjects,” Ben Desbrow, an associate professor who led the study, said in a released statement.
The altered light beer was also one-third more effective at hydrating drinkers than a normal beer. As some have pointed out, this extra bit of hydration during drinking could help ward off hangovers, which are caused by a combination of factors, butprimarily dehydration.
Desbrow published the results of his hydrating beer research in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism earlier this year, but beer fans will likely have to wait for the electrolyte-filled brews to hit shelves.
In the meantime, there’s always the just-add-water beer concentrate from Pat’s Backcountry Beverages. Just make sure you hydrate while you enjoy the concentrated brew.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/
Tuesday is Editor’s Choice award day on http://hashtagbeerporn.com. We are giving out an Editor’s Choice Award each week to the picture we think best represents beerporn during that week. As an ongoing feature on Indy Beers each week I’ll be posting the Editor’s Choice winner from #Beerporn. Remember, anyone can join and post pictures of beer to http://hashtagbeerporn.com.
This week’s winner is Vampkel. I’m a shower beer guy myself, and I’m glad to see someone else enjoys a beer while getting clean.
I came across a great article titled “Coffee vs. Beer: Which drink makes you more creative?” by Mikael Cho, a blogger and co-founder of Ooomf. In the article, he scientifically breaks down how coffee and beer affect your brain. It was so interesting that I decided to make an infographic based on his article.
Source: http://en.ilovecoffee.jp
Tuesday is Editor’s Choice award day on http://hashtagbeerporn.com. We are giving out an Editor’s Choice Award each week to the picture we think best represents beerporn during that week. As an ongoing feature on Indy Beers each week I’ll be posting the Editor’s Choice winner from #Beerporn. Remember, anyone can join and post pictures of beer to http://hashtagbeerporn.com.
This week’s winner is Michael. Great color in this outdoor photo.
Bad news for beer drinkers; not only did studies find that brew could dull your brain, but a new study has found that it just may be the reason you’re covered in bug bites.
A study released by the National Center for Biotechnology Information has found that people who drink beer are more attractive to mosquitoes. Just one beer could make you a target for the bugs.
The study tested 13 volunteers as test hosts, according to the study. Researchers measured ethanol content in sweat, sweat production, and skin temperature before and after the subjects drank of 350 millileters of beer.
And while they originally thought the attraction was because drinking increases the amount of ethanol in sweat, or because it increases body temperature, neither of these were found to correlate with mosquito landings, according to the weblink, so the attraction is a mystery.
The study also found several other factors that affect vulnerability to mosquitoes, including exercise and metabolism, clothing color, and pregnancy.
Source: http://www.thedailymeal.com/
Tuesday is Editor’s Choice award day on http://hashtagbeerporn.com. We are giving out an Editor’s Choice Award each week to the picture we think best represents beerporn during that week. As an ongoing feature on Indy Beers each week I’ll be posting the Editor’s Choice winner from #Beerporn. Remember, anyone can join and post pictures of beer to http://hashtagbeerporn.com.
This week’s winner is Husar. It’s not often a #beerporn member publishes a picture of himself or herself, and seeing Husar is one of the charter members of hashtagbeerporn.com, I figured I’d share this post of him. BTW, nice mustache.
Presenting the one place in the world where it’s not girly to take a bubble bath: This useful reference proudly explains more about the swimming pools .You can also book your slot in pool builder New Orleans LA to avail the best swimming classes. It was centuries-old Austrian brewery Starkenberger, who’ve built the world’s first-ever beer swimming pools in the recesses of their brew-castle, and, for a paltry fee, you can take a dip. Here’s the skinny:
Located a few hours outside Munich, the setting for the Starkenberger Brewery castle is pretty ridonkulous, though, with the glory that’s awaiting for you inside, you probably won’t want to spend too much time out there.
As a brewery Starkenberger’s been at it for more than a hundred years, and is currently (and always has been) run by women. This bearded dude is merely one of their minions.
Barrels are stored down in their super gothic cellar, which you could see if you dropped $10 on a brewery tour, but totally don’t care about since you came for the beer pools! So, without further ado…
Residing in the old fermentation brewery, there are seven total pools in a Turkish-bath-like room, each of which are heated and contain 12,000L of water enriched with 300L Biergeläger (remote yeast). Fun fact: ever since the days of ancient Egypt when Cleopatra bathed in beer while Mark Anthony was off conquering empires, beer bath’s have been rumored to have a healing, restorative effect.
You’ve gotta make reservations in advance but for $298/ pool (and an additional $6.50/ person) this could be you sharing a beer pool with blonde coeds. Your two hours of beer bathing also come with beer crackers and a “Tyrolean meat spread” plus one non-swimmed-in bottle of suds per person; because actually drinking the pool beer would be insane… right??
Of course, Starkenberger Brewery doesn’t have the only place to bath in beer. You can also go to Chodovar Brewery in Czech Republic.
Your intelligence at 16 is a strong indicator of how much and how often you will drink throughout adulthood.
Over the last 55 years, in the U.S. and U.K., several studies have been conducted that show a direct relationship between childhood intelligence and adult alcohol consumption. Controlling for a huge plethora of factors, the study reveals that it is intelligence itself that influences alcohol consumption, not all the things that accompany intelligence.
Tuesday is Editor’s Choice award day on http://hashtagbeerporn.com. We are giving out an Editor’s Choice Award each week to the picture we think best represents beerporn during that week. As an ongoing feature on Indy Beers each week I’ll be posting the Editor’s Choice winner from #Beerporn. Remember, anyone can join and post pictures of beer to http://hashtagbeerporn.com.
This week’s winner is Husar. I’m pretty sure he had a macro lens attachment for this photo. Very good detail.
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