Not that it is a big surprise to see consolidation in any market, but this one is very interesting. #1 and #2 looking to combine forces. This can’t be good for beer. As if our choices weren’t limited enough, they are about to get more limited as Anheuser-Busch flexes it muscle to grab an even larger market share with a purchase of Miller. It’s time like this that I like to encourage those around me to drink good craft beers by independent breweries. We’ll have to see how this pans out, but I can’t imagine it will be anything but bad news for the little guy.
“Analysts downplayed the speculation, saying such a deal would be contrary to recent guidance by AB InBev management. The Budweiser brewer is “the right size” and is focused on so- called organic growth, Chief Executive Officer Carlos Brito said in an interview with Dutch newspaper De Tijd in July”
Source: Bloomberg
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