If you’ve been following us lately, you know that I’ve been brewing my own beer theses days. While generally cheaper than buying good craft beer, there are still lots of costs associated with brewing that are outside of the just the ingredients. It because of this that anytime I can find a good deal on brewing supplies, I’m going to take it and save some cash.
I was forwarded an email by a very loyal Indy Beers follower (my mother) that was a deal of the day from groupon. If you were looking to start brewing your own beer, now might be the time to do so. So here is the deal from “Midwest Supplies Home Beer and Wine Making”:
$64 for Beer-Brewing Starter Kit and Ingredients (Up to $137.92 Value)
In a Nutshell
Home-brewing kit quick starts batches of ales, lagers & stouts with premium hops, yeasts & grains, as well as easy recipes
So there you have it. Check the link below if you interested, and get started brewing your own beer today!!!!
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