We have a new site just for beerporn called http://hashtagbeerporn.com, as in #Beerporn. We’ve been working on the site for over a month now, and the cool thing is that anyone can join and post pictures of beer to the site. We have also been giving out an Editor’s Choice Award each week to the picture we think best represents beerporn during that week. As an ongoing feature on Indy Beers each week I’ll be posting the Editor’s Choice winner from #Beerporn.
This week, we have a backlog to get through as we have been doing this for a few weeks now. So here are the winners for the past three weeks, in the order in which they won.
Fuller’s ESB posted by user Husar
Konig Bavarian Hefeweizen posted by user Michael
Missile Command Pint posted by user Husar
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