• Beer Drinking Blamed for Red Sox Demise

    The Red Sox had a downward spiral at the end of the baseball season that ended with a loss to my hometown favorite, The Baltimore Orioles.  There has been plenty of speculation on what may have have been the cause of such a dismal end to a good season, but boston.com yesterday posted an interesting take on the situation.

    Boston’s three elite starters went soft, their pitching as anemic as their work ethic. The indifference of Beckett, Lester, and Lackey in a time of crisis can be seen in what team sources say became their habit of drinking beer, eating fast-food fried chicken, and playing video games in the clubhouse during games while their teammates tried to salvage a once-promising season.

    So it seems that beer is (partially) to blame.  Well, as an Orioles fan, that’s just fine for me.

    via: CBSnews.com
    Source: Boston.com