Kelli and I headed out to the Brew at the Zoo over Memorial Day weekend in Baltimore. The entire event was a lot of fun and I would recommend to anyone who loves craft beer and is in the Baltimore area. I didn’t get to try all the beers, but I had my fair share. I’ll be trying to make this event next year, too, as it is too much fun to pass up.
- The entrance to the zoo.
- While waiting in line there were several zoo animals brought out for everyone to see, including this snake.
- I love how the animals and beer glasses have been incorporated together into the logo.
- Another animal from the zoo greeting us before we enter.
- After we entered Kelli headed right for some beer.
- My first of the day, the Amber 25 by Stoudts Brewing Company.
- Here is the full list of all beers available for the event.
- The samples were small, so my next one (Underdog Atlantic Lager by Flying Dog) came quickly.
- The lines were getting a little longer, so I decided to get right in line for my next beer, the Snake Dog IPA by Flying Dog.
- The event was small, which made it easy to get to any of the beer like this Ozzy by Brewer’s Art.
- Kelli loved this shirt.
- Here is the front of the same shirt.
- This was a family friendly event.
- Saison by Yards.
- The aptly named beer, The Raven by The Raven.
- Another fun beer shirt.
- Here is the key for the front of the shirt.
- Heading over to New Belgium (who seems to be everywhere these days) to try their Ranger IPA.
- For lunch I had a Crabby Melt from the Grilled Cheese Company. It was really good and I would recommend their grilled cheese sandwiches.
- Right next to the food was DuClaw, so it was time for the HellRaze IPA.
- While the festival went until 7pm, the Zoo was only open until 4pm, so Kelli and I hopped a tram and headed to see the animals.
- She wanted to see the polar beers so , that was our first stop.
- Then we headed over to the African section.
- We knew we were short on time so we really moved quickly.
- Reading about previous picture.
- Looks like this Rhino found the only mud spot.
- For some of these I only stopped long enough to get a picture.
- But for some I stopped a little longer to enjoy their beauty.
- It was clear by that the animals knew it was the end of the day.
- Although some were content to people watch.
- With the warthogs I was thinking, “Hakuna matata!!!”
- Another of Kelli’s favorties, the penguins.
- Camel rides anyone?
- Kelli and I posed for a picture with the elephants.
- A great action shot of the baby elephant and its mother.
- Kelli is convinced the zoo keepers put honey or something else at the top of the wall to get the giraffe to stand there.
- The Brew at the Zoo even took place just to the left of the bottom tram stop.
- The king of the jungle, the lion.
- It was just past 4pm when we entered the Chimpanzee forest.
- I had enough time to take this picture before the lights were turned off and we had to leave.
- We headed back to the festival area and I went straight for the Harpoon Summer by Harpoon.
- The music and crowd were in full swing by this point and everyone was relaxed and having a great time.
- Custom made belt buckles from the bottoms of beer bottles. The beer label is used as the front of the buckle.
- Back to Stoudts for the Mai Bock.
- And the it was over to Tommyknocker for the Golden Saison.
- Everyone was in a jovial spirit, and these are some of the fine folks I met at the festival.
- While the beer was in cups, this gentleman was ready to open any bottles.
- I headed back to New Belgium for the Somersault Ale.
- In case is wasn’t clear, this festival was held in Baltimore, home of the Ravens and Orioles.
- Beer number 13 for the day was Shift Pale Ale by New Belgium. One of the better beers, but mostly because it was on ice and nicely chilled on a hot day.
- Some local artwork being sold at one of the vendor stands.
- It wasn’t until beer number 14, Woody Creek White by Flying Dog, that I realized I had no shots of the logo on the glass.
- Not all the animals at the zoo live in cages.
- Rich & Dan’s Rye IPA by Harpoon.
- There were cornhole/bean bag toss stations setup for anyone to play.
- Last beer of the day, Latitude 48 IPA by Samuel Adams.
- I love how the animals and beer glasses have been incorporated together into the logo.
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