This is not a beer post, and for that I apologize in advance, but I had nowhere else to share this story.

The mess from my basement that I began to sort through.
My basement needed a good cleaning and I needed to free up some shelf space, so I decided it was time to purge some old stuff. I had a ton of old game consoles and video games, but I didn’t really want to go through the hassle of selling them online. My brother had a great idea, donate them to a children’s hospital. I made a few phone calls to the same day doctor and found that Johns Hopkins Children’s Center in Baltimore, MD would be happy to take my donation. I took a Saturday afternoon and brought everything up from the basement and started going through what I had. Mnay video games and online casino games like the Keno has taken a drastic turn in the recent times. The introduction of aimbot fortnite and other hacks has made playing and winning easier. If you wish to learn Keno, click on this link

The games after I had tested all the consoles and separated them by gaming system.
It took about 2 hours total to get everything out, test the systems, and box them up by console. I did not test all the games, but I have good faith that most will work without issue. After seeing what I had I really began to waver on going through with my decision, but in the end I decided it was best for the children, and these games were doing nothing but collecting dust in my basement. I made the call to Elizabeth at the hospital and setup a time to make the drop-off.

Arriving at the hospital.
The whole ride into the city I kept wondering if I was doing the right thing. There is a hoarder mentally that goes along with collecting anything, and I was having trouble letting go, but I just kept thinking that this will hopefully make a lot of children happy.

The entrance to Johns Hopkins Children’s Center.
When I arrived I called Elizabeth, and she came down with a cart to get the games. She was really surprised at the amount of stuff I had to donate. She kept stating how happy this was going to make the children, and that reassured me I was making the right decision.

Saying goodbye to my old friends. Hopefully a child in need will find them as much fun as I did.
We filled up the cart and she took everything inside. I’ll make sure to check back in a few months and see how the donation worked out, and which games/consoles are doing the best. Here is the list of what I donated, for the gamers out there wondering what I gave up. The Nintendo stuff is not listed as I still need to go through it and decide what I want (if anything) and what I don’t want. I can always make that donation another day.
Playstation |
4 |
Playstation 1&2 Contolers |
10 |
Playstation Multitap |
1 |
Playstation Memory Cards |
7 |
Playstation 2 |
1 |
Playstation 2 Multitap |
1 |
Playstation 2 Network Adapter |
1 |
Sega Genesis |
4 |
Sega Genesis Controlers |
7 |
Odyssey 2 |
1 |
Segan Saturn |
1 |
Segan Saturn Controllers |
4 |
Sega Master System |
1 |
Sega Master System Controller |
1 |
Jurassic Park |
La Russa Baseball 95 |
John Madden Football ’93 |
Sonic & Knuckles |
Ecco the Dolphin |
Streets of Rage |
Taz Mania |
Sports Talk Football ’93 |
Pac-Mania |
Robocop vs. Terminator |
Mortal Kombat II |
College ’95 Football |
X-men 2 Clone Wars |
Street Fighter II |
Mortal Kombat |
Batman |
Madden ’95 |
John Madden Football ’93 |
Ecco the Tides of Time |
Micro Machines |
Prime Time |
Ghouls n Ghosts |
The Lion King |
Jurassic Park Rampage Edition |
Sonic the Hedgehog |
Super Off-road |
Toy Story |
The Lost World: Jurassic Park |
Virtua Racing |
Disney’s Aladdin |
Bill Walsh College Football |
Sports Talk Football ’93 |
NFL ’95 |
Game Genie |
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 |
Taz in Escape from Mars |
Lethal Enforcers |
Dr. Robotnick’s Mean Bean Machine |
Aztec Adventure |
Altered Beast |
Lord of the Sword |
NHL ’97 |
World Series Baseball II |
Madden ’98 |
College Slam |
FIFA Soccer ’96 |
Croc Legend of the Gobbos |
Virtual Open Tennis |
Ten Pin Alley |
Hyper 3-D Pinball |
Gran Turismo |
The Dukes of Hazzard |
Nascar ’99 |
Cool Boarders 2001 |
Ape Escape |
Crash Team Racing |
Tony Hawk’s Proskater 4 |
A Bug’s Life |
25 to Life |
Metal Gear Solid |
Resident Evil 2 |
Resident Evil 3 Nemesis |
Tomb Raider II |
Medievil |
Final Fantasy VII |
Twisted Metal 4 |
Starsky and Hutch |
Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy |
Rachet & Clank up your Arsenal |
Rachet & Clank Going Commando |
Rachet & Clank |
Prince of Persia the sands of time |
Maximo Army of Zin |
Maximo Ghosts to Glory |
Tony Hawk’s Underground |
Jak II |
Katamari Damacy |
Crash Nitro-Kart |
Gran Turismo 3 |
ATV Offroad Fury 2 |
SS X3 |
Jak and Daxter |
Kingdom Hearts |
Tony Hawk’s Underground 2 |
Madden 2005 |
Splashdown Rides Gone Wild |
Conquest of the World Odyssey 2 |
Volleyball! |
K.C. Munchkin! |
UFO! |
Baseball! |
Bowling! Basketball! |
Showdown in 2100 A.D. |
Alien Invaders—Plus! |
Sub Chase! |
Computer Golf! |
Crypto-logic! |
For those of you who read this far, thanks. Here is the celebration beer I had later that night (It is Indy Beers, after all).

A beer in celebration of bringing happiness to children.
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