• Oktoberfest – Berlin, MD

    Berlin, Md hosted its first ever Oktoberfest, and IndyBeers was on hand for the event.  Overall it was a great time.   There was a good size crowd on hand for the event with the downtown Main Street area being well packed.  We headed from the north end of town down past the center towards the beer garden, as that was the only place one could procure a fine malted beverage.  Entrance to the beer garden was free, but tickets were $3 each, which is a great price for drinking a delicious craft beer.

    After getting our handful of tickets we stood in line for about 10 minutes to get our first sample of the newly released Burley Oak Oktoberfest.  As it was, however, we only managed to get 1 beer each of this earthy toned beverage, as the keg ran out while I was interviewing brew master Brian Carl.  From that point we switched to the Flying Dog Marzen.  That worked out well because we had been drinking the same beer earlier in the day before coming to the festival.  While we were standing around drinking we spotted Bryan Brushmiller, the owner of Burley Oak Brewery.  I quickly introduced myself and jumped right into asking about his beer.

    After talking with Bryan for a while, he introduced me to his brew master, Brian.  Brian and I discussed his passion for brewing and why he decided to come to Burley Oak Brewing.  It was during this time the the keg went dry, and he half jokingly said, “I gotta go to the brewery and fill kegs now.”  While he went back to business, Chris and I took some time to survey the scene.  There was a place serving big barbequed pieces of meat, so Chris purchased one to try out.  He said it was really good.

    After a few more beers we decided to head back to the brewery and see what was going on there, as well as sample some of the other beers that might be available.  As we walked back North through town we passed the live music which was offering up some traditional Oktoberfest style melodies.

    After about a 15 minute walk from the downtown area we found ourselves at the brewery.  The brewery was very modest and unassuming in looks from the outside.  Except for the small sign in the front, you wouldn’t know that there was a brewery inside.  They have only been open for about 2 months, since August of 2011.

    Inside the brewery was a sizable bar area.  There were plenty of places to stand and or sit and enjoy some of the beers they currently had on tap.  I went with a Pale Ryeder (which was full of a great rye flavor) and Chris went with the September Fest.  Both were high in alcohol content, and after a day at the Oktoberfest everyone was beginning to notice the effects.

    I continued talking about beer with Bryan and he explained why he had decided to brew beer, and why Berlin was the location for him.  I was hoping to get a tour of the brewery, which could be seen through a large window behind the bar, but something had spilled in the back, and it wasn’t a good time to bring people through the area.  Oh well, I guess I’ll have to come back again!!!

    The end of the day final came for us and it was time to head back home.  Bryan was happy to step outside with us for a couple more pictures.  It was pretty funny, actually,  as he was prone to goofing off while the pictures were being taken and there are more than a few that made me laugh looking at them later.

    Notable Quotes for the day:

    -Pete Arslanian
    Q: You had a beer called the 7 finger farmer?
    A: The farmer only had 7 fingers, lost in a machine accident, so [Bryan] named the beer after him for growing the hops.

    -Dennis Krembel
    Q: So what do you think you’re gonna get here.  You’ve got the Flying Dog, the Ocktoberfest…?
    A: I’ll take a Flying Dog. 2 of ’em.

    -Mark Jersey Cerbo
    Q: In terms of the beers that you’re distributing, how many of them were part of Anheuser Busch, Miller, or Coors…what percentage?
    A: Our portfolio when I was with Carry Distributors at the time Unibev was buying everybody up, they owned a large percent because at that point Miller and Coors had merged together.  We had a strong portfolio.  I mean we had Yuengling, we had Heinekin and Corona,  I mean we had pretty much all the big hitters but Anheuser Busch.
    Q: How difficult did you find it to distribute your beer not having Anheuser Busch in your portfolio?
    A: Not hard.  ‘Cause we had, you know, percentage-wise if you looked into say, a package store we were probably anywhere from 65 to 70% of the door space.
    Q: Outside of distributing the Anheuser Busch, Miller, Coors products how difficult was it to push craft beers into the market?
    A: In the beginning it was a little difficult, but once Dogfish opened up in Delaware in our back yard, you know, Dogfish was an easy swing into the craft beer industry for us down here, you know.  And they have quality products and they expanded, you know, in the right point of time.  They didn’t try to grow too fast, they came along at a good pace that, you know eventually they’re world wide now.
    Q: Do you feel that because of the fact that Dogfish Head made a presence in the Delmarva scene that it made it easier to push craft beers locally?
    A: Absolutely.  Good question.
    Q: So you feel that because of Dogfish Head, craft beers are better appreciated in this area.
    A: Well, in this area down here I think they really were the first stepping stone in the craft beer industry, so with their success grew craft beer in our area, so.  With Burley Oak opening up here in Berlin, I mean I think they’ll do well.

  • Local Beer Gets More Local

    Wine has long been a product in which the grapes are grown near where the wine is produced, often on the same farm.  This is a trend that may be starting soon with beer as well.  A project started in downtown Toronto, Canada is looking to grow hops in the city to be used in making local beer. If you’re planning for 3 Days in Toronto, then you can check these out!

    This spring, hops were planted on the property of businesses such as I deal Coffee and restaurant/bar Parts & Labour (both located in the west end of downtown Toronto), a handful of residential backyard gardens and Wychwood Barns, a park and community hub. Katie Mathieu tended to the hops at Parts & Labour – she runs a planter garden project on the building’s rooftop, growing vegetables and herbs for use in the restaurant. Ms. Mathieu says the hops thrived in planters on the roof.

    This is a really positive move towards a more green method of brewing beer, and I hope to see more of it.  Michael Clark, co-founder of Toronto’s Bellwoods Brewery had this to say:

    “Even if the city hops program isn’t a colossal money-maker, there’s a tangible benefit to the greening of space and having it produce something that connects people to that space,” says Mr. Clark.

    Source: theglobeandmail.com

  • What is the worst beer in the world?

    What is the worst beer you have ever had the misfortune of tasting?  A true lemon among a bounty of better beer.  For Garrett Oliver brewmaster of the Brooklyn Brewery that beer was in Vietnam:

    That’s an interesting question. I had a Vietnamese beer a few years ago that was called Saigon and it was just, it was really, really ghastly. I didn’t remember—though I do realize that beers existed that still tasted quite that bad—it reminded me of one that I had in East Germany in the mid-1980s, when there was an East Berlin. I drank a beer when I spent a day in East Berlin, and I thought, “Boy, Communism is certainly bad but I didn’t know it was so bad that it could even make Germans produce terrible beer.” And it had. I don’t know whether Vietnam is still considered particularly Communist, but apparently it hasn’t done anything to their beer industry anyway.

    For me, the individual worst beer I ever had was in a small bar about 2 days after New Years Eve.  I don’t think the place had been open for a week, and I arrived about tthe time the were opening their doors for the first time that year.  I caught a Budweiser (I was young and uninformed) fresh out of the line after sitting for all that time.  I think I almost threw up.  I had never tasted a beer skunked so badly.

    As for the worst beer that was properly served, I would have to say a pumpkin ale I had last year.  Every year at my house I give away tons of candy for the kids, and pumpkin ales for the adults.  I also have a few seasonal beers for those that don’t want a pumpkin.  By the end of the night half my neighbors have a red solo cup in their hand.  I usually start collecting various pumpkins at the start of October, and by the time Halloween comes around there are 5-6 from which to choose.  I only had one, as I had given the others away, and I honestly don’t recall who made it, but it was like drinking the worst pumpkin pie you’ve ever had.  Over spiced to the point where you almost wanted to gag on first taste.  From now on I decided to only serve Dogfish Head’s Punkin ale (and maybe 1-2 other choice craft pumpkins) as it is always reliable and easy to find in my area.

    So what’s the worst beer for you?

    Source: gothamist.com


  • Beer Drinking Blamed for Red Sox Demise

    The Red Sox had a downward spiral at the end of the baseball season that ended with a loss to my hometown favorite, The Baltimore Orioles.  There has been plenty of speculation on what may have have been the cause of such a dismal end to a good season, but boston.com yesterday posted an interesting take on the situation.

    Boston’s three elite starters went soft, their pitching as anemic as their work ethic. The indifference of Beckett, Lester, and Lackey in a time of crisis can be seen in what team sources say became their habit of drinking beer, eating fast-food fried chicken, and playing video games in the clubhouse during games while their teammates tried to salvage a once-promising season.

    So it seems that beer is (partially) to blame.  Well, as an Orioles fan, that’s just fine for me.

    via: CBSnews.com
    Source: Boston.com

  • Brew Master Interview – Fordham/Old Dominion – Daniel Louder

    During the Good Beer Festival I was fortunate enough to talk to one of the brew masters for Fordham and Old Dominion beers, Daniel Louder.  Below is the transcript of that interview.


    Q: So what’s your name, for the record?
    A:Daniel Louder.

    Q: And you have a shirt on that says “brewer”.  Are you indeed a brewer?
    A: Absolutely.

    Q: For who do you brew?
    A: I brew Fordham and Old Dominion products.

    Q: How long have you been doing that for?
    A: I’ve been doing that for probably a year and half now.

    Q: What did you prior to brewing for them?
    A: Prior to brewing for them I was actually a construction supervisor for 7 years, and i did probably about 8 years of home brewing also on the side.  I’ve always been big into craft beers and just into making beers and the whole aspect and the science behind it.

    Q: So what was it that led you from home brewing to working for Fordham and Old Dominion?
    A: Actually I’m fortunate enough to know somebody inside of the company.  That got my foot in the door.  I started off kegging…worked on the bottling line for a while…then was in the cellar and brewing, all within one year.  I worked my way up the ladder.

    Q: Now your statement about who you worked for lumped these 2 brewing companies together and you said you worked in the bottling line.  Are they indeed bottled on the same bottling line or do they keep separate factories for brewing the beer?
    A: No, Fordham and Old Dominion are both brewed out of the same exact roof.  Its a total of 17 to 18 different beers between the 2 companies.  They’re still 2 completely different companies brewed underneath the same roof.

    Q: What is it about those 2 companies that keeps them brewed under the same roof?  What allegiance do they have to each other?
    A: They really don’t have an allegiance to one another.  Fordham was sent to Dover in 2003, where it started being brewed.  And in 2007 Fordham Brewing Company bought Old Dominion Brewing Company out of Ashburn, Virginia and moved it to Dover in 2009.

    Q: Did they buy that with their own funds or was there external backing behind that purchase?
    A: That I’m not 100% sure on.

    Q: And out of the beers that you brew, what is your personal favorite beer to drink?
    A: My personal favorite from the Old Dominion side would have to be Hop Mountain, and my favorite from the Fordham side would have to be Copperhead.

    Q: And if you had to go–by the way, for the record, those are my 2 favorites (laughter)–but if you had to go toe to toe between the 2 of those, which would you prefer?
    A: I would definitely have to go with Hop Mountain, because I’m a big IPA (or pale ale) fan.  I love hops!  I’m a hop head, but I’m also different than everybody else in the way that I’m a malt head.  I also….a  lot of people are into hops these days but nobody really looks at the true aspect of what makes a beer.  And that is the actual malt that is derived from the beginning throughout the whole process.

    Q: So those are your 2 favorite beers out of the (suite???) of products offered by the 2 companies, but what is your most favorite beer to brew?
    A: My most favorite beer to actually brew would honestly…i would have to say Scotch Ale, which is a fall seasonal which will be out next month if I am correct and that is actually my favorite brew to actually–or beer–to actually brew.

    Q: What beer out of the seasonal ales that you offer do you think gets the best reception from the public?
    A:  Ooohhh that’s a tough one.  I would have to say our Octoberfest.

    Q: Octoberfest?  Is it simply the season that makes it popular?
    A: I believe it is the season and also the basis that’s already been established for your Octoberfest beers.  A lot of people are already familiar with them and they look forward to the actual fall season when the Octoberfests come out and a lot of people try a different style Octoberfest.

    Q: What’s your personal favorite seasonal beer?
    A: My personal favorite seasonal beer would actually have to be our newly released Fordham Spiced Harvest Ale.

    Q: Do you have anything coming up soon that hasn’t been released yet that’s–
    A: Yes we actually have a couple coming up soon that hasn’t been released yet.  We have our Baltic(??) Porter which will actually probably be packaged this month.  We also have….and that is from our Fordham side I believe…we have so many different beers its hard to keep track.  And we also have from our…Dopplebock, which is Fordham, which will be coming out in the wintertime.  And we also have our Millennium by Old Dominion which is our barleywine which comes in at about 10, 10 and a half percent which is one of my favorite beers to sip on during the winter.

    Q: For this particular event, were you guys contacted by the event coordinators, or did you seek out this event to present your beer to the public?
    A: We were actually contacted by our distributors. The coordinators contacted our distributors.  This is our 2nd year here.  The distributors and the event coordinator have both done a great job with just keeping us updated and then having a great presentation for our overall product and our area where the beers are actually being poured.

    Q: So do you feel like this event gets a good turnout for the Maryland area compared to other events, or do you think this is on par with what you’ve seen elsewhere?
    A: I would say this is actually a great turn out.  Last year was their first year that I was here and on the first day of the first year here they had almost 2000 people  show up from what I was told and it looks like today I would say there’s at least a thousand people here today and I think its a great turn out.  I haven’t been to many other Maryland events but, as opposed to some of the other beer events that I do, this is one of the largest turnouts and well planned events that I’ve been to.

    Q: Where is the beer truck and where are you based out of?
    A: The beer truck is actually based out of Eastern Shore Distributing, is who provided the beer truck.  That is our distributor.  We’re based out of Dover.  Eastern Shore Distributor is our Maryland distributing company, so if you wanted to buy any of our products it would basically be whoever Eastern Shore distributes to.


    A big Thank you to Dan for the interview and Kelli for transcribing it.

  • Good Beer Festival

    Wow, the Good Beer Festival was a lot of fun!!! Kelli and I sampled so many beers that I’m glad I took some notes. The festival ran on both Saturday October 8th, 2011 and Sunday October 9th, 2011 from 12:30pm to 6:30pm both days. We only went on Saturday and arrived at around 1pm. We decided that next year we are going to make a weekend out of the festival and go both days, doing the 5k hangover race on Sunday morning, as well.



    As we made our way through the entrance area we found the event to already be in full swing.  There were over 50 craft beers from 25+ breweries waiting for us to enjoy!!!  Just past the entrance way and along the back fence were 10 cornhole stations setup for gaming by festival goers that were already in full use.  This wasn’t too surprising as the day was already in the mid 70’s with temperatures expected to rise to around 80.  WBOC 16 & FOX 21 had a tent with 4 large flat screen TVs showing college football games.  There were not too many kids around, but there were enough to let you know that it was family friendly event.


    Kelli and I started the one of our local favorites, Dogfish Head.  They were close to the entrance and I was craving the Punkin.  Kelli went with the 120 minute.  We roamed about while enjoying the first of many samples and found a good crowd with shoulder to shoulder action close to main stage that got thinner back towards entrance.  There seemed to be a Jovial spirit among festival goers, with everyone enjoying the great day.

    It wasn’t long after we arrived at the festival that I had to start removing layers of clothing.  We weren’t sure if the the weather was going to hold, so we dressed in several layers, of which the long sleeve layer came off of me within the first hour.  In retrospect, I probably should have worn shorts and flip flops, but who knew that an October day in Maryland was going to be so nice?

    There were plenty of various vendors selling their goods at the festival.  A few sold clothing, and a few more were selling food.  Kelli bought me a Good Beer Festival hat to wear.  The reason for the hat was because she found out from someone about the festival because they were wearing a hat form last years festival.  She thought I, too, should have a hat!!!  I in turn bought Kelli not one, but two shirts.

    The only downside of all this was that I forgot to bring cash.  The onsite ATM charged $3.25 to pull out cash (plus any charges you bank may assess) .  It was, however, good to be able to grab some cash once inside the event.  I’m not sure how close another ATM would have been, but my guess is it would involve getting in the car and driving to the location.



    After a few beer samples we were getting hungry, and this festival had the usual fried food offerings, but there was something I had never had before, an oyster fritter.  I was reluctant at first to have one, as I thought they would be a slimey mess to eat, and be too much oyster for one man to take.  Boy was I wrong.  They were so good we ended up getting a second one.  The pepper crust outside that was deep fried to a golden brown easily held the oysters and breading inside in a fantastically delicious treat!!!

    There was plenty of music all day long, and the Time Police on the bar stage did a great rendition of Jackson 5’s I want you back.  One of the reason we had come to this festival was to see The Electric Company play.  We have long followed the band and it’s members though the various iterations of musical groups through the years, and this day was no different.  They not only put on a great show, but they let me record one of their songs from the performance for free download!!!  Feel free to grab the MP3 file here for your listening pleasure:

    FREE MP3 – The Electric Co. – 2011 Good Beer Festival Live – 01 – I Need You

    We also did a tour of Pemberton Hall.  The tour included a brief description of the history of the property, as well as a visit to the rooms within the structure.  This would be a good stop for anyone who is a history buff, but not too interesting for others.  We ended up leaving the tour early to get back to beer drinking.

    Outside there was a gentleman dressed in period costume brewing beer as would have been done in colonial times.  He explained the processes that would have been required using the now archaic methods of brewing.  There was no beer to sample, but I would have liked to have tasted the end product of what he was making.

    With the end of the day coming at this point, we decide to slow our drinking and work towards heading home.  Overall the event was a really fun time, and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys craft beers.


    I interviewed a few people over the course of the day, and here are some notable quotes:

    -Brian McDavid, Fenwick Island, DE
    What do you plan on trying next?
    Whatever is closest to me

    -Nathan W. Clendenen – Ocean City, MD
    What Beer are you drinking?
    Sierra Nevada Tumbler.  I don’t get a chance to drink nearly as much Sierra Nevada as I used to in the past.  It’s delicious.  It’s a little more complex.

    -Corlie Brice – Crisfield, MD
    What are you drinking right now?
    Double pumpkin Sam Adams
    What do you think of that so far?
    It is delicious
    Have you had any of the other pumpkins today?
    I’ve had three other pumkins and this is by far the most pumpkin-y
    What were the other pumpkins you had?
    I had the blue moon and then I had another one I don’t even remember, maybe, flying dog and it would make sense the double pumpkin has more pumpkin in it.

    -Tony Shipyan – Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
    What brought you out to the event today?
    These guys here, they kind of led me in on it, they’re kind of beer aficionados

    -Josh Owens – Milton DE
    What is your favorite beer fest to go to?
    This one is looking pretty good.  The one in the Poconos is pretty crowded and you can’t get around but this is pretty nice being wide open and just being able to walk up.
    Have there been any standouts for you?
    The Duck Duck Goose was really good, that and the 1554 by Fat Tire.

    -Marc Gloyd – Milton, DE
    You’re wearing a beer advocate shirt.  Are you associated with beer advocate?
    No, I’m just an alcoholic.

    -Sonny Martin – Millville, DE
    Right now you are enjoying the Hoptopber what do you think?
    It’s got a slight little piney after taste.
    Do you typically like the hopped beers?
    No I’m typically a pale ale guy, but this is nice, I might have to get a full pint of this. This is sweet.

    Kelli’s new favorite quote seen at the festival: Everyone needs something to believe in and I believe I need another beer.


    Here are the list of Beers Kelli and I had for the day (with and notes we may have made at the time of sample).  I may have missed some of Kelli’s beers because we were separated for a while, but this is most of them.  I may have missed one or two on my list, but I definitely had all 17 listed.

    Dogfish Head – 120
    Stone – Arrogant Bastard (Hoppy, Medium Colored, I liked it)
    Oskar Blues Brewery – Hemp Ale (Kelli liked it because it was cold, the perfect temperature, Kelli like it because it’s easy to drink).
    Oskar Blues Brewery – Stillwater Artisanal
    Evolution – #3 (delicious, perfectly hopped) Hopped at a rate of over 2% per barrel, great flavor, perfectly chilled temperature.
    Sierra Nevada – Tumbler (I think it’s good, definitely a brown ale)  Amidst all these crafts brews it’s kinda funny that Sierra, who’s one of the best well known beers has no one in line and they only have 2 beers to show today.
    Sierra Nevada – Torpedo (Kelli, as a hophead I like it, but they are sort of falling a little under my radar today because they’re so many other great beers here, but still you can’t not be happy with a little Sierra in your life)
    Evolution – Jacques Au Lantern (I think my glass is so messed up from so many different beers that the smell might be a little off, but the taste is great.  It’s my favorite kind of flavor in a pumpkin beer because you can taste the spice and they’re actually not advertising it as a pumpkin beer.  They’re advertising it more as a fall seasonal with spices and pumpkin.  They’re not really directly calling it that)
    Sierra Nevada – Torpedo

    Dogfish Head – Punkin
    Ommegang – Hennepin (tasted like a Belgium wheat, Not a big fan of it, hoping to find something better)
    Magic Hat – Hex (Kelli says I got a nice size pour)
    Oskar Blues Brewery – Hemp Ale (Definitely a brown ale that doesn’t taste overly brown, actually has a nice flavor to it)
    Oskar Blues Brewery – Stillwater Artisanal (because we were already standing next to it)  Didn’t like it. Bad lemonade. Dumped it out.
    Eastern Shore Brewing Company – Duck Duck Goose (brown ale.  Very Dark.  Can’t see through it holding it to the Sun)
    Evolution – Lucky 7 porter (lighter side, not very heavy which is working out very well on a day like today)
    Sierra Nevada – Tumbler (Autumn Brown ale, as you would expect from SN a quality product, not too heavy, not too light, just a perfect balance of taste)
    Sierra Nevada – Torpedo (as an IPA lover, this beer is delicious.  It’s a little more heavy than their pale ale, full of that hopped flavor that you love)
    Evolution – Summer Seasonal (no nose or I’ve had a lot of beer today. The flavor is mild, like a heavy pale ale that you drink all day),
    Evolution – Pumpkin Ale – (I don’t like it at all.  It is overly infused with flavor and I don’t feel like it’s a natural flavored beer.  It just has that artificially injected flavor to it)
    Sam Adams – Double Pumpkin ale (not much of a nose, it is, however, full of pumpkin flavor.  Almost over-pumpkin-ed, but certainly enjoyable)
    Fat Tire – 1554 (very dark brown ale.  Thick red muddy color, nothing on the nose, a Chris beer for sure)  This may be a stand out for those who like brown ales, but I prefer the lighter brown ales.
    Stone – Arrogant Bastard –
    Yards Brewing Co – brawler ale – Brown ales ( I have found some good brown ales, and this one is not good.  A sour flavor that rides on the back of your tongue) I dumped it out
    16 mile brewing – Amber sun (good on a day like today.  Sun in the name is indicative of the environment in which it should be drank)
    Sierra Nevada – Torpedo
    Fat Tire – Hoptober



  • Germany looks to US to broaden beer market.

    The Germans are coming, the Germans are coming!!!!

    With the raising European economic crisis German brewers are looking for methods to increase revenue streams. But German beer has long held it’s traditions or brewing:

    “One of the advantages of Bavarian beer is that it’s so old. It’s clean and natural,”

    However, Germans are now drinking less beer:

    Germans drank 122 liters of beer per person in 2002; in 2010 it was down to 107. Overall beer production sank from 10.8 billion liters in 2002 to 9.6 billion last year, according to the German Brewers’ Federation.

    But maybe the Germans are just tired of the same old thing:

    In America, “there is more beer diversity on the shelf than you will find in Munich or Prague or various other classic brewing centers,” said Julie Johnson, contributing editor at All About Beer magazine. “I don’t know if the German brewer is open to the kind of thing that we’re open to.”

    I hope Germany can find a way to hold onto its long help traditions while broadening the selection of beer.

    Source: The Washington Post

  • Good Beer Festival this Weekend

    The Good Beer Festival is this weekend in Salisbury, MD.  It should prove to be a great time with almost 30 craft breweries represented (see below for list).  Indy Beers will be enjoying the event on Saturday.  I can’t wait to sample all the beer that is going to be available.  We may have to break the article of the event into 2 parts of there is a lot of material to cover, but we’ll see.  If you’re looking to hook up with us, or would like to be featured in our event review, please tweet us @IndyBeers.  Hope to see you there!!!!

    16 Mile Brewery

    16 Mile Beer

    413 S. Bedford St.
    Georgetown, DE 19947-1849

    Blue Moon Brewing Co.

    Blue Moon Beer

    311 10th St.
    Golden, Colorado 80401

    Burley Oak

    Burley oak Beer

    10016 Old Ocean City Blvd.
    Berlin, MD 21811

    Clipper City Brewing Co.

    Clipper City Beer

    4615 Hollins Ferry Road, Suite B
    Baltimore, MD 21227-4624


    Crispin Cider

    405 Central Avenue SE
    Minneapolis, MN 55414

    Dogfish Head Beer

    Dogfish Head Beer

    320 Rehoboth Avenue
    Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971

    Eastern Shore Brewing

    Eastern Shore Brewing Beer

    605 South Talbot St.
    St. Michaels, MD 21663

    Evolution Brewing Company

    Evolution Beer

    501 N. Bi-State Blvd.
    Delmar, DE 19940

    Flying Dog Brewery

    Flying Dog Beer

    4607 Wedgewood Blvd
    Frederick, MD 21703-7120

    Fordham Brewing Company

    Fordham Beer

    1284 McD Drive
    Dover, DE 19901

    Goose Island Beer Company

    Goose Island Beer

    1800 N. Clybourn Ave
    Chicago, IL 60614

    Kona Brewing Company

    Kona Beer

    5300 Crain Hwy.
    Upper Malboro, MD 20772-3120

    Lagunitas Brewing Co.

    Lagunitas Beer

    1280 North Mcdowell Blvd.
    Petaluma, CA 94954

    Leinenkugel Brewing Co.

    Leinenkugel Beer

    1515 N. 10th St.
    Milwaukee, WI 53205-2157

    Magic Hat Brewing Co.

    Magic Hat Beer

    5 Bartlett Bay Road
    South Burlington, VT 05403-7727


    Nectar Beer

    1400 Ramada Drive
    Paso Robles, CA 93446

    New Belgium Brewing Company

    New Belgium Beer

    500 Linden Street
    Fort Collins, CO

    Old Dominion brewing Co.

    Old Dominion Beer

    1284 McD Drive
    Dover, DE 19901

    Ommegang Brewery

    Brewery Ommegang Beer

    656 County Hwy. 33
    Cooperstown, NY 13326

    Oskar Blues Brewery

    Oskar Blues Beer

    1800 Pike Road #B
    Longmont, CO 80501-6794

    Samuel Adams Brewery

    Samueal Adams Beer

    30 Germania St.
    Boston, MA 02130-2315

    Sierra Nevada

    Sierra Nevada Beer

    1075 East 20th St.
    Chico CA 95928

    Sixpoint Craft Ales

    Sixpoint Craft Ales

    40 Van Dyke St.
    Brooklyn, NY 11231

    Southern Tier Brewing

    Southern Tier Beer

    2072 Stoneman Circle
    Lakewood, NY 14750

    Stone Brewing

    Stone Brewing Beer

    1999 Citracado Parkway
    Escondido, CA 92029

    Yards Brewing

    Yards Brewing Beer

    901 N. Delaware Ave.
    Philadelphia, PA 19123

  • Miller may be bought by Anheuser-Busch


    Not that it is a big surprise to see consolidation in any market, but this one is very interesting.  #1 and #2 looking to combine forces.  This can’t be good for beer.  As if our choices weren’t limited enough, they are about to get more limited as Anheuser-Busch flexes it muscle to grab an even larger market share with a purchase of Miller.  It’s time like this that I like to encourage those around me to drink good craft beers by independent breweries.  We’ll have to see how this pans out, but I can’t imagine it will be anything but bad news for the little guy.

    “Analysts downplayed the speculation, saying such a deal would be contrary to recent guidance by AB InBev management.  The Budweiser brewer is “the right size” and is focused on so- called organic growth, Chief Executive Officer Carlos Brito said in an interview with Dutch newspaper De Tijd in July”

    Source: Bloomberg

  • Steve Jobs Inspired Us All


    Steve Jobs inspired us all.  It’s hard to look at the past 30 years of technological advancements and not see the influence he has had on world culture.  From helping bringing mass computing to the American education system, to showing average individuals how to point and click, and of course to bringing the “i” to everything we know today, Steve has been a pioneer, leading us to where no one else could.

    I was young, maybe 10, maybe 6th grade.  I was growing up in a household of computing (VAX 1300 BAUD dialup, compliments of Westinghouse), but Apple, they changed everything.  Those who went to school in the US in the early 1980’s are hard pressed not to remember the Apple IIe.  It seemed overnight the Apple IIe became ubiquitous with everyday computing.  Sure there were other systems available, and certainly those that made more headway into the American home (hello Commodore 64), but Apple touched the youth of the day in the place they called home on a daily basis, school.

    “Microsoft, IBM, HP who are they?”, might ask anyone going to school in the United States at that time, but Apple, we knew the name…we knew the logo.  And that was just the start.  Once Apple had seeped into the common consciousness during the infancy of the technology age, it was going to be hard to shake loose the early held ideologies.

    I remember the day my father brought home the Macintosh.  It had this thing attached to it with a button.  You moved it around and the pointer on the screen moved.  I was 13(ish) and I had just used a mouse for the first time.  The whole computer was self contained (which was odd at the time) with a roughly 9 inch monochrome screen (not fact checking, just going from memory).  I remember my father shortly thereafter buying a 20MB HDD that sat underneath at the same width and depth and about 2 inches high.  He said something like, “Who is ever going to need 20MB of HDD space?”

    Of course, that was well before the advent of MP3s.

    Today we think nothing of carrying all our music with us wherever we go.  While there were plenty of MP3 players on the market before any iPods, like those that Creative made (thanks for the interface), it was the simplicity of use and elegance in design that brought the iPods to the forefront of popular culture.  This was one of, if not the first, must have tech gadgets ever for the adult market.  Apple had been floundering for several years, and it was this inspiration from Steve Jobs that brought forth the Apple you know today.

    From the humble beginnings of the iPod came everything with the “i” moniker.  iPod, iTunes, iPhone, iPad, and all the third party products that followed.  Apple paved the way for selling digital music and video thanks to the “i” line of products.  Without the path Apple paved under Steve’s leadership, I doubt we would find ourselves in the media rich environment we do today.

    Tonight I raise a glass to a man who inspired us all to think in a manner that would have otherwise been unconventional and to dream of a tomorrow that will hold the key to a better technological future.
