• Americans Get Fatter, Drunker

    Around the globe American’s sometimes have an image of being gluttonous and overweight.  It seems a new study may indicate that beer is partially to blame for this image.

    Lost in the U.S. health care debate is whether the country’s citizens are hurting themselves with bad habits. The bottom line is mixed, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Americans are imbibing alcohol and overeating more yet are smoking less (black lines in center graphs).


    Some of the behaviors have patterns; others do not. Obesity is heaviest in the Southeast (2010 maps). Smoking is concentrated there as well. Excess drinking is high in the Northeast.


    Comparing 2010 and 1995 figures provides the greatest insight into trends (maps, far right). Heavy drinking has worsened in 47 states, and obesity has expanded in every state. Tobacco use has declined in all states except Oklahoma and West Virginia. The “good” habit, exercise, is up in many places—even in the Southeast, where it has lagged.


    Curious about health trends in your state? Try the interactive graphics on this page.

    Source: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=americans-get-fatter-drunker

  • [Infographic] Percent of Alcoholic Content per Calories per Ounce

    We recently shared an infographic that detailed the calories in various drinks, but how do the calories line up with the ABV?  Check below for a list of beers that give the most ABV bang for their caloric buck.


    Beer Efficiency Score Infographic
  • Drinking Lots of Beer Will Strengthen Your Muscles (But Also Kill You)

    Want bigger muscles? Start drinking more beer, lots and lots of it.   A research team has found that beer can help prevent muscle tissue deteriorating, thanks to the “prenylated flavonoids” found in hops.  Unfortunately, you have to enjoy about 30 gallons a day, or about 240 pint glasses.  The Tokushima University research team in Japan found the prenylated flavonoids had positive effects on the muscle mass of incapacitated rats (such as ones with paralyzed legs).  Now all we need is an alternative way to get the needed dosage into humans.  Too bad it would take too much beer.

    However, to achieve the same effects on the scale of a human, one would have to eat 1kg (2lbs) of hops a day.  Since that would be really disgusting, we would rather consume them in beer form.  This way, one must drink anywhere from 83 to 20,000 litres (22-5000 gal) of beer per day to achieve the needed dosage of the prenylated flavonoid known as 8-prenylnarigenin (8-PN).

    Source: http://en.rocketnews24.com/

  • [Infographic] Get Drunk, Not Fat

    Infographic: Get Drunk, Not Fat!


    Source: http://www.fitnessinfographics.com/

  • Drinking Too Much? Blame Your Glass

    Do you find that some days you drink more beer than other days?  Maybe it’s not you, but rather, maybe its the glass you’re using.  A recent study by experimental psychologist Angela Attwood of the University of Bristol showed that an optical illusion caused by the shape of a curved glass can dramatically increase the speed at which beer is consumed.

    To test the hypothesis, she and her colleagues randomly divided 160 young, healthy people—students and faculty members of the University of Bristol, as well as some members of the general public—into eight groups. It wasn’t difficult to recruit participants, Attwood says. “People tend to be quite happy to get free lemonade or beer.” Using the standard WHO test for hazardous drinking, called AUDIT, the researchers screened the participants to include only “social beer drinkers,” not alcoholics. They assigned each group to drink either about 177 milliliters or about 354 milliliters of lager or soft drink from straight or curved glasses. While the participants drank, they watched a nature documentary deemed emotionally neutral, so that they wouldn’t be “sitting there with nothing to do but drink,” Attwood says. The team videotaped the drinkers over two sessions, disguising the real purpose of the test with a fake word search task at the end of each session.


    After watching video of both sessions and recording how much time it took for the drinkers to finish their beer or sodas, Attwood’s team found that one group consistently drank much faster than the others: the group drinking a full glass of lager out of curved flute glasses. In a paper published this month in PLoS ONE, the team reports that whereas the group with straight glasses nursed their 354 milliliters of lager for about 13 minutes, the group with the same amount of beer served in curved glasses finished in less than 8 minutes, drinking alcohol almost as quickly as the soda-drinkers guzzled their pop. However, the researchers observed no differences between people drinking 177 milliliters of beer out of straight versus fluted glasses.

    So what causes the beer to be consumed faster out of the curved glass?  The belief is that drinkers are using the glass as a determining factor in how fast they are drinking and adjust their drinking accordingly.  This works fine in a straight glass, when the top inch of beer is the same amount as the bottom inch, but doesn’t work well when the volume changes from top to bottom.

    If you’re a regular reader of this site you may remember a particular Friday Beer Fun in which we presented the beer gauge chart to know if your bartender is cheating you.

    The average pint glass has sloped sides which, like the curved glass, has different volumes at different heights of the glass.  To verify this problem of perception another test was done.

    Another experiment in which participants were asked to judge different levels of fluid in photographs of straight and curved glasses showed that people consistently misjudge the volume in fluted glasses, Attwood says.

    While this may not be good news for your drinking, it could be great news for your local barkeep.  Lets just say, be cautious of any bar that only uses curved, flute style glasses.

    Source: http://news.sciencemag.org/

  • [Infographic] The Case for Beer

    A fun infographic on Beer from visual.ly on some basic facts of beer and some excellent recommendations for food pairings.
    The Case for Beer
  • Beer Boosts Bone Mass

    Today’s article is another one promoting beer drinking for better health.  It seems that drinking beer boosts bone mass.

    Yet in this study, published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers adjusted for lifestyle factors and showed that among 3,218 women who consumed more than one drink a day of alcohol had a significantly greater femoral neck and lumbar bone mineral density (BMD) than those who never consumed alcohol.

    It seems, however, that not just any alcohol will do, the study states, “neither wine nor liquor intake was significantly associated with BMD —but rather beer.”

    Registered dietitian Elizabeth Brown MS,RD,CPT,CDE, says that beer’s bone benefit is due to its silicon content. “Studies report that dietary silicon intake of more than 40 mg per day correlates with increased BMD; however, the average daily intake of silicon is about 20 to 30 mg.”

    I’m more than happy to have a pint or two of my favorite beer or homebrew for better health.  Maybe the saying should be, “A beer a day keeps the doctor away.”

    Source: http://latino.foxnews.com