Happy new beer from Independent Beers.
Giving you the knowledge to buy better beer.
Spring has come to a close and that means it is time to decide on a Beerporn winner of the real world prize consisting of a beer mug and a gift card. Here are the 6 finalists (In order of posting) from which a winner will be decided in the coming weeks.
Make sure to leave your comments below on which one you think should win.
Winter has come to a close and that means it is time to decide on a Beerporn winner of the real world prize consisting of a beer mug and a gift card. Here are the 6 finalists (In order of posting) from which a winner will be decided in the coming weeks.
Make sure to leave your comments below on which one you think should win.
As many of you know, once a week we feature the Editors Choice from our sister site http://HastagBeerporn.com. The award up to this point has been for nothing more than bragging rights. That is about to change.
Four times a year there will be a real world prize for having what we decide is the best beerporn. The four times will be seasonal: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. The prize will be two fold. First, a beer mug with the season and year etched on to it for your drinking and bragging pleasure. Second, a $30 gift card to a bar of your choice. We can phone in the gift card for you to pick up, so it can be a small local bar near you if you like.
Remember, anyone can join and post pictures of beer to http://hashtagbeerporn.com. Sign up here and start posting today!!
If you’re a regular reader of this site you know that we have been Indy Beers for a long time. While I have always loved that name, too often when I talked about the site with others I would have to spell the site (it’s not Indie, Indi, Inde, etc.) and explain the concept of the site (it’s not about Indianapolis, it’s about promoting independent beers).
Recently I went on a trip to CA to the Lagunitas Brewery for a trip on the Skunk train. It was a weekend gig, and lots of fellow beer drinkers were around. I was asked several times where I was going to post the pictures I was taking. After having to spell the name and explain the purpose of site too many times, I just start saying Independent Beers instead of Indy Beers. No need to spell it, and it seems everyone understood what the site was about.
We have owned both domain names since day 1, and both names will continue to point to this site, but from now on, we are Independent Beers. Of course, you can always call us Indy Beers if you want.
Beer drinker, beer lover.
This is a time for family and friends, so we’ll be taking this week off. The site will produce content again after the new year. Until then, if you’re looking for some good beer related content check out Bloggers of Beer. There’s new content all day long, every day.
If you’re on our email list you no doubt got the beerporn email early today with the extra large size images. That, was a mistake. You see, I write most of the content on the site, but I’m trying to get Chris into publishing some content, too (outside of the reviews he does with me). I was walking him through how to upload a post during lunch from his iPhone using the WordPress app and it asked for image size. I told him to go with original, as I have never had to resize the image in my Andriod WordPress app. Well, it turns out there is a setting in the Android app that limits the image to a certain size, whereas in the iPhone app you set the size when adding the image.
Long story short, you got an email with two REALLY BIG images.
After some post lunch testing it has been determined that of the small, medium, large, and original sizes available in the app, it is the large, and not the original, that he should be using. Sorry if we blew up your web browser with our big images, but hey, I hear we’re big on the internet.
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